13 December 2021

Infinispan 10+ uses Log4j version 2.0+ and can be affected by vulnerability CVE-2021-44228, which has a 10.0 CVSS score. The first fixed Log4j version is 2.15.0.
So, until official patch is coming, - you can update used logger version to the latest in few simple steps

wget https://downloads.apache.org/logging/log4j/2.15.0/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin.zip
unzip apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin.zip

cd /opt/infinispan-server-10.1.8.Final/lib/

rm log4j-*.jar
cp ~/Downloads/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-api-2.15.0.jar ./
cp ~/Downloads/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-core-2.15.0.jar ./
cp ~/Downloads/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-jul-2.15.0.jar ./
cp ~/Downloads/apache-log4j-2.15.0-bin/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.15.0.jar ./

Please, note - patch above is not official, but according to initial tests it works with no issues