08 August 2019
In this post i will share simple and useful gradle template to organize multi module Jakarta EE application. We will implement typical one which consists from REST controller (module1) and some main logic (module2). Big picture of our application architecture is:
So, lets do initialization of project with next gradle template:
rootProject.name = 'ee-application-multi-module-gradle-template'
include 'module1'
include 'module2:module2-api', 'module2:module2-core'
root build.gradle:
defaultTasks 'clean', 'build'
subprojects {
ext.libraryVersions = [
javaee : '8.0',
defaultTasks 'clean', 'build'
repositories {
Above, we described initial application structure, where module1 is flat sub project for our controller and module2 is our main logic which consists from API
and Core
sub projects. As controller will use main logic API and we decided to separate application to modules (that means no big enterprise archive) - our sub projects should be simple enough:
module1 build.gradle:
apply plugin: 'war'
dependencies {
compile project(':module2:module2-api')
providedCompile "javax:javaee-api:${libraryVersions.javaee}"
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
apply plugin: 'war'
dependencies {
compile project(':module2:module2-api')
providedCompile "javax:javaee-api:${libraryVersions.javaee}"
Actually, that's it!
Now we can implement our controller like:
public class TestEndpoint {
@EJB(lookup = TestService.TEST_SERVICE_JNDI)
TestService testService;
public Response test() {
SomethingDto something = testService.doSomething();
return Response.ok().entity(something.getMessage()).build();
In turn, main logic API
contents from Interface
and DTO
public interface TestService {
String TEST_SERVICE_NAME = "test-service";
String TEST_SERVICE_JNDI ="java:global/module2-core/" + TEST_SERVICE_NAME;
SomethingDto doSomething();
public class SomethingDto implements Serializable{
In the end, main logic Core
contents from the logic that implements API:
@Stateless(name = TestService.TEST_SERVICE_NAME)
public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {
EntityManager entityManager;
public SomethingDto doSomething() {
TestEntity entity = entityManager.find(TestEntity.class, Long.MAX_VALUE);
return new SomethingDto("Hello Jakarta EE world!");
Described Jakarta EE application architecture allows us enjoy all power of EE with absolutely transparent inter module interactions and, the same time, stay close to micro service design - as we have no limits with using one container for all modules.
Source code of this demo available on GitHub