10 April 2019
To enable pagintation support on your JBake based blog you need to provide next properties in your jbake.properties
After that JBake will generate subdirectories 2,3,4...
for your index.html
. Next, you need to update index
template to generate necessary count of posts per each index page and provide "previous","next" navigation buttons.
Below, I will show you freemarker template with pagination support, that I am using for this blog
<#include "header.ftl">
<#include "menu.ftl">
<#list posts as post>
<#if (post.status == "published" && post?index >= (currentPageNumber-1) * config.index_posts_per_page?eval && post?index < currentPageNumber * config.index_posts_per_page?eval)>
<a href="${post.uri}"><h1><#escape x as x?xml>${post.title}</#escape></h1></a>
<p>${post.date?string("dd MMMM yyyy")}</p>
<ul class="pager">
<#if (currentPageNumber > 1)><li class="previous"><a href="${config.site_host}/${(currentPageNumber==2)?then('', currentPageNumber-1)}">Previous</a></li></#if>
<li>Page: ${currentPageNumber}/${numberOfPages} (<a href="${content.rootpath}${config.archive_file}">archive</a>)</li>
<#if (currentPageNumber < numberOfPages)><li class="next"><a href="${config.site_host}/${currentPageNumber + 1}">Next</a></li></#if>
<#include "footer.ftl">
Blog sources available on GitHub