10 April 2019

To enable pagintation support on your JBake based blog you need to provide next properties in your jbake.properties file:


After that JBake will generate subdirectories 2,3,4... for your index.html. Next, you need to update index template to generate necessary count of posts per each index page and provide "previous","next" navigation buttons.

Below, I will show you freemarker template with pagination support, that I am using for this blog

<#include "header.ftl">
	<#include "menu.ftl">
	<#list posts as post>
  		<#if (post.status == "published"  && post?index >= (currentPageNumber-1) * config.index_posts_per_page?eval && post?index < currentPageNumber * config.index_posts_per_page?eval)>
				<a href="${post.uri}"><h1><#escape x as x?xml>${post.title}</#escape></h1></a>
				<p>${post.date?string("dd MMMM yyyy")}</p>
		<ul class="pager">
			<#if (currentPageNumber > 1)><li class="previous"><a href="${config.site_host}/${(currentPageNumber==2)?then('', currentPageNumber-1)}">Previous</a></li></#if>
			<li>Page: ${currentPageNumber}/${numberOfPages} (<a href="${content.rootpath}${config.archive_file}">archive</a>)</li>
			<#if (currentPageNumber < numberOfPages)><li class="next"><a href="${config.site_host}/${currentPageNumber + 1}">Next</a></li></#if>
<#include "footer.ftl">

Blog sources available on GitHub